Pronouns Playlist

by 2021 DPF Peace Intern Ashlyn Baldwin

A Playlist is a way of engaging with an idea or topic. They can be used as small group discussion starters, for personal devotions, or as a place to jump into a subject. 


On the subject of Pronouns, here is:

…Something to break the ice 

Everyone should sit in a circle and each person will say their name, pronouns, and an animal that starts with the same letter of their first name. As it goes on, each person will go backwards saying everyone’s name and animal. The first person to go will have to say everyone’s at the end and anyone who wants to try and say the whole group can. 

…Something to Watch

Are pronouns important to the LGBTQ community?
A 5-minute video of people giving reasons why pronouns are important.

Sharing Your Pronouns.
Why you should introduce yourself with your pronouns.

Preferred Gender Pronouns: What are they?
This short video explains what preferred pronouns are. 

…Something to Read

What to know about gender pronouns
Important things to know about pronouns.

Tips for Allies of Transgender People
Ideas of how to be more inclusive to transgender people.

What to Say When You Aren't Sure of Someones Gender Identity
Dos and Don'ts when you don’t know someone’s pronouns.  

…Something to Wonder

I wonder how introducing myself with my pronouns will affect the people around me?

…Something to Talk/Think/Journal About

What are my pronouns and what does that mean to me, my family, friends, peers, my significant other, and my future?

Have I ever gotten someone’s pronouns wrong?

How can I help normalize pronouns?

…Something to Do

Start introducing yourself with your pronouns.

Add your pronouns to social medias.

Join the Human Rights Campaign

…Something to Pray

Creator of Us All, Holy One of Many Names, Eternal Love,
We wonder at the care and joy manifest in your design and creation.

You created the sliver of the waning crescent moon,
a slender thread of courageous light;

You created the tenacity of each blade of grass that
muscles aside concrete to reach for sky;

You created the birds that soar and creatures of the ocean depths
who somehow thrive where it is too dark and too cold for life. 

You look at all you have created and call it good.

We are amazed that, in ways beyond our understanding,
you formed humanity with the same joy and care that birthed the rest of creation.

We rejoice that each one of us is fearfully and wonderfully made in your Divine image.

We acknowledge that for many of your beloved children, especially those who are LGBTQ,
church communities have been places of shame and suffering, rather than homes
of sanctuary and safety.

Help us to pick up the mantle of those who have gone before us in
this liberation movement, that their hard work and their sacrifice might not be in vain. 

We are, all of us, called by love, for the sake of love, to be love
in this faith community and in all the world. 
Continue to create us to be your beloved people.
